“Quiet Night”《静夜思》by Li Bai 李白

Tang Dynasty Poet Li Bai, "Quiet Night"

Chinese poet Li Bai (701-762)

I attend a weekly Chinese class every Saturday sponsored by “Cherry Tree Learning“.    Last week the teacher taught us a couple of jokes, but also introduced us to Chinese poetry.   She claimed that everyone in China knows the poem she taught us.

I tested it out on my wife and she instantly started quoting it after I said two words.    An ABC friend at church told me this the only Chinese poem she knows. Two out of 1.4 billion isn’t much of a sample size, so I’ll have to keep asking around!  But I have no reason to doubt my teacher.  I look forward to asking more people about this poem. At any rate, the poem is by a Tang Dynasty poet named Li Bai (李白).

Here it is:

《静夜思》Jìngè Sī  “Quiet Night”

[唐]李白 [Tang Dynasty]  Lǐ Bái        Li Bai

床前明月光 Chuáng qián míng yuèguāng  (Moonlight in front of the bed.)

疑是地上霜 Yí shì dìshàng shuāng (Looks like frost on the ground.)

举头望明月  Jǔ tóu wàng míngyuè (Raising my head I look at the bright moon.)

低头思故乡 Dītóu sī gùxiāng (Lowering my head, I think of my home town.)

 The Mid-Autumn Festival is a major holiday in China, family gathers together for a meal and of course moon cakes.  This festival takes place when the moon is full and family members go out to observe it.  Li Bai, being a member of the royal court, was obligated to remain close to the Emperor during the Mid-Autumn Festival to show his loyalty, but Confucian teaching obligated him to show filial piety to his family.   This poem describes his feelings and yearnings for home.



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